Autumn is closing in!!!
End of September and the autumn is clearly knocking at the door!
Morning temperatures are dropping and the nature explodes into a wild,colourful scene. It´s really beautiful and that clear freash air feels invigorating to say the least.
So far it has been an insanely good year in many ways and something tells me that the rest of the year will pass in the same sign...the sign of success and happiness and of course love!
And in a few days I will turn one year older,and that doesn´t become me at all. Don´t have any crisis or fear of getting older...`cause when you think of it...what´s the options!? And we are all equal of getting older :)
The only thing I could wish for more is shorter distances...or in fact no distance at all to what I hold dear and most important in life...and also the only thing I wish for my birthday! To spend it with the one and only true big love in my life!
Well hell...can´t have it all and what I do actually have is far more then I could ever dream of or imagine so I wont complain to much...just a little ;)
Don´t complain over the things you don´t happy for what you actually have <3
But now is reality check...aka laundry time and a soft evening in the tv couch awaiting tomorrows work and make it one day closer...
I miss you so insanely much!!