A comrade in arms...a friend and fellow retard!
As you know we recieved our second Goldrecord this week,and o´boy that felt gooood...
Unfortunatley,we also dropped the news that our growler and my friend Andy is leaving the band,too explore other things in life...
It feels sad that he wont be joining us anymore but I am happy that he is comfortable with his choice and I support him in full of course!
And just because he is a fuck up by letting us down (that was a joke,damnit...!!) doesn´t in any way change the fact that he is one of my best friends and I intend to keep it like that!
We´ve done a lot of stuff together....here´s just a fraction of everything...
...we did Gothenburg...
...Moscow and a shitload of other cities...
...elevator pranks...
...and boob jokes!!
And a few drinks went done in between!!
We had simply a good run together and I wish him the best of luck in life!
Love you,fuckface!!!!
P.S... Would like to add to the previous post that:
#4: I have the best sister in the whole wide world!! :) LUM <3
Eventful week...
...to say the least!
The last seven days have been eventful and filled with good things!
So lets recap it,shall we? :)
1. Got a surprise visit from the most lovliest and beautiful woman I´ve ever seen!
And that resulted in an engagement <3 BIIIIG JOY!!!
2. My sponsor Yamaha provided me with this beauty...and OMFG what a darn instrument!!!
3. We had a sneak preview of our latest video and also,we were presented with yet another Goldrecord!!
5. I got my very own and first (and not the last one!) Mummin coffee mug :)
6. Today I have been completly sober for 15 weeks,just simply got fed up with hang overs...Feels goddamn awesome!!!
7. Not only did I get a gold record with my name spelled right this time,I also cut off my long hair!!
No special reason...just wanted to make a change I guess :)
Ok...there is alot of things that could and will be improved some sooner some a little later! But life is good and I love it in one way...but also I hate it in same way! Therefore the will to improve situations and it won´t stop at trying...I simply will be triumphant!!! Any questions...nope...only answeres!!
Take care all you out there and take care of each other...remeber,what you are is the fruit of your surroundings!
Once in a lifetime woman <3
Thuresday morning...the alarm went off far to early then my mind and body could accept!
But unfortunatley,the option of staying in bed and ahve a lazy ass day wasen´t realistic...so I forced this sorry excuse of a body out of bed and shocked the body with some strong (swedish-style coffee!!!) and off I went for another day at work...dragging my eyelids behind me!
I came...I saw...I worked!!
A little this and a little of that was on the schedule for the day and I wasen´t to much to think about,just do it! Someone needs to bring home the bacon so to speak! ;)
Last quest for the day was to check some alleged waterdamage...and there,in the basement sitting by a table!!
My beloved love of my life and soulmate, Reetta Häyrynen <3
My good friend Lennart (who fooled me down there...of course!!) giggled and smiled with his whole face!!
And so did I...and Reetta,with that big and so lovely smile she has and that laughter that makes you smile from "soul to skin"!!
Simply...a surprise visit...set up by my oh so lovely sister Anna..knowing what her little brother want´s and needs!
Of course my whole family was in on it so I guess they all fooled me....but....guess what...in this case... I DON´T MIND!!!
So...a weekend all by ourselves! Wasen´t yesterday to say the least...and oh my dear sweet holy Bob,what a weekend!
To cut it short and leave out details that is none of your buisness ;) we simply had a completley lovely weekend!
And...well...How shall I put it...since we both feel that "this is the real deal" to say the least we simple did what we been talking about for quit some time...
We came home from a chilling eveningwalk from the movies....and before that we took a walk from an Indian resturant were we had some lovely and OH SO TASTY FOOD!!! Because we were hungry and a bit frozen after spending some time out by the cliffs by the sea,having a glas of Bubbles...mezmerized by how beautiful it all can be when you see it with new eyes...how the sun reflects in the sea,sparkling and most of all...amazed by the suns reflection and our own refecltion as well...in those two shinny,well polished rings!
Yeah...we got engaged!! So this is just the beginning ;)
Reetta Häyrynen.... I love you more then anything and you are the love of my life and beyond...everything that I´ve ever looked for...
You are not a "one in a million" girl...you´re a "once in a lifetime" woman!! <3
And I promise you that I will annoy the hell out of you for a very very looooong ti,me,maybe not because I absolutlry want to or have to...more because I can :) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Take care of each other out there...all my friends,loved ones and enemies... ;)
"No wait...back up....let me start over here!
For six months,I couldn´t sleep..
With insomnia...nothing´s real,everything´s far away!
Everything is a copy....of a copy....of a copy...
When you have insomnia,you´re never really asleep...and you are never really awake!"
Edward Norton aka "The Narrator"
-Fight Club-