My humble opinions of my beloved Sweden!
Greetings to all of you whom it may concerne ;)
Today we,the Swedes celebrate our National Day.
Simply,our birthday! And for being a Swede this has unfortunatley become a strange day all thanks to right wing extremists that has so violent and vruthless stolen our beloved flagg of yellow and blue to become a sign of hate,racism and violence towards those who choose to become a part of our beloved country.
But...this is not my opinion!
To me the Swedish flagg is a symbol of my country and our Northern hospitlity,welcoming everyone,regardless of skin colour,religion,sexual orientation and cultural background, to wan´t to be a part of this awesome country we do live in. Because it is a trully awesome country!
Sadly,as far as I see it,you aren´t "allowed" to say that you are a proud Swede unless there is a World Championship Gold medal in Hockey of Football (soccer!!) or first place in Eurovision Songcontest or it´s simply the Swedish National Day as it is today! My deep wish and hope is that everyone in Sweden would be "bold" enough to wave the flag everyother day of the year and show your love and pride over this beautiful country and not only on these "specail days" where alot of people all of a sudden shout it extra loud with the undermining words and opinion that today I am so proud anad happy and extra conscious to show that "I AM NOT A RACIST!"
But...waving your countries flag and show your pride will NEVER be a part of being a racist or having hostile thoughts and acts towards other religion and cultures.
Not being able to wave your countries flag and showing your pride everyother 364 days of the year is a sign that those cowards of the right wing oriented racist and facists are succeding into making the flag into a hostile signal!
I will never allowe anyone from that side of the political arena to steal and violate my countrys flag and colour and I am proud to be a Swede every damn day of the year!
Of course tere is thing about Sweden that I would love to change,things I´m not to happy about...but can´t have it all and I choose to see what we have and not what we don´t have!
So take that typical Swedish closeley tightened fist out of your pocket,open it into a warm and welcoming palm of hospitality towards those who want to be a part of this,a part of us! And be proud to be a part of one of the most awesome countries in the me,the true country of the free ;)
Take care of yourself and each others and have a wonderful day all you Swedish,New Swedish,Soon-to-become Swedish and of courseall the rest of you! And welcome to enjoy the fruits of MY country!