just a few lines from a very happy man!

Long time no see....
It has been damn busy lately with tour preps and rehearsals and everything,not enough hours on the day I guess and the wish for making the next 7 days to pass quickly came true...almost to fast...
 The Finnish tour went fucking great for us as a band. Sold out shows,killer crowds and amazing people everywhere. But to the most important thing to me personally was to see me one and only,my Queen Reetta... And oh boy,that woman is filled with theh most lovliest surprises there possibly can be... No wonder I
love her like frekkin´hell <3 
*the face of pure happiness*

Everything went just as good as expected or...even better I believe :) and I got to spend a few days with her and it has given me more energy then I could possibly comprehend! DAMN!!! It feels so F****NG good calling a bluff!! Thank you my beloved! <3
The tour just went awesome as i said and here is some pics for y´all!
Me and Mr Andy in Jyväskylä
Thumbs up,Suomi :D
gold record :D

And just to finnish this post of,when we got home between the Suomi and European tour we had a signing session in Gothenburg and guess if we got surprised when we got presented a GOLD RECORD for our first singel HUNGER!! A big milestone in my career :D
But...most important....My Cherry Queen Reetta...thanks you for being just exactly who you are,for making my life so simple...for giving me strength and love..and also,making me feel trusted and loved in a way I never experienced before! 
L.U.M <3
So my friends,enemies and what not and what whos... take care.


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